In a small town plagued by corporate greed, a determined young activist rallies her community to stand up against a powerful corporation, igniting a David vs Goliath battle for justice and the soul of their town.
The Actor
High Hostage
A single father with a dodgy knee and elevator phobia, finds himself inadvertently in the midst of a high-rise heist when he attends a job interview on the 72nd floor.
Reluctantly protected by the special ops team ‘Dolphin,’ decoding genius, Jack Peacock navigates a perilous world where his skills make him a high-stakes asset.
Night Cleaner
During her first shift as a night cleaner at a train depot, a young mother must fight the gangsters who run the place if she is to survive until morning.
After awakening from 35 years of cryogenic slumber, Ryan learns that his pre-cryogenic self unleashed a devastating bug, wreaking havoc on the internet and its interconnected world. Struggling with a diminished intellect, he must navigate moral dilemmas and choose between redemption and irreversible destruction before it’s too late.
A single father confronts his escalating debts to ruthless loan sharks, all while reuniting with his children after a three-month separation.